White Paper – 10 Proven Practices for Successful PLM Evaluations



Finding and selecting the product lifecycle management (PLM) solution that can best meet your organization’s immediate and long-term needs is a complex and demanding task. If you select the right software and implementation partner, your organization will have short time-to-value as well as all the benefits PLM can provide for many years to come. But going about the evaluation in an improper way and making the wrong selection often result in budget overruns, implementation delays, user dissatisfaction and rejection, and maybe even the need to go through a similar evaluation process again after only a few years to add functionality that is missing or replace the entire system.

So, what can you do to ensure your organization finds and selects the right system among the dozens of systems available today? Since making a wrong decision can be costly and have a long lasting negative effect on your company, it is worthwhile to take a methodical approach and use proven practices that have worked for other companies and have reliably led to the selection of the right PLM solution.

To identify what works and what doesn’t, we talked with various organizations that have evaluated and implemented PLM. We analyzed over a dozen companies in the automotive supplier, aerospace and defense, consumer goods, life science, machinery equipment and high-tech and electronics industries to find out what made their PLM evaluation projects successful, why they had difficulties, or why they failed. Based on these companies’ and our own experience, we identified 10 best practices for evaluating PLM that will help you in the selection of the best PLM solution for your organization and lay the groundwork for a successful subsequent implementation…


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