IFIP 22nd International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management
Since 2003 PLM International Conference (PLM IC) brings together researchers, developers and users of Product Lifecycle Management.
It aims to integrate business approaches to the collaborative creation, management and dissemination of product and process data throughout the extended enterprises that create, manufacture and operate engineered products and systems. The conference aims at involving all stakeholders of the wide concept of PLM, hoping to shape the future of this field and advance the science and practice of enterprise development.
From its beginning, PLM IC is the official conference of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management (IJPLM, www.inderscience.com/ijplm). Starting 2009, PLM IC became the official conference of the IFIP Working Group WG 5.1 “Global Product development for the whole lifecycle” www.ifip-wg51.org